First, some facts. Of the Computer Science graduates from Oklahoma State University we've analyzed , here's how many have used (or NOT used) their degree in their career:
These are estimates based on AI analysis of 10 LinkedIn profiles (see below).
The verdict? Great! Overall, with an average relevance score of 90%, Computer Science graduates from Oklahoma State University have a substantially higher likelihood (+23%) of finding work in this field compared to the average graduate across all fields:
And for comparison, here's the chart for all profiles we've looked at across all degrees.
Also, after graduating, only 10% of these graduates have pursued further education other than another Bachelor's degree (such as a Masters degree or other), compared to the average across all profiles of 35%. This suggests a Bachelors degree is enough for most Computer Science graduates, and it's normal to look for work straight after graduation.
See the details:
Relevance score: 96%We think this person has gone into a career highly relevant to their degree.DEGREE INFOGraduated in 2018 from Oklahoma State University with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Computer Science. No other secondary education since. JOB HISTORY SINCE GRADUATIONIT Intern - Customer ExperienceTextron Aviation May 2018 - Aug 2018 Developer Associate Textron Aviation Aug 2018 - Sep 2020 Developer II Textron Aviation Sep 2020 - May 2022 Sr. Developer Textron Aviation May 2022 - Present ABOUTNo information provided. |
The top 10 most common jobs done by the graduates we've analyzed (ranked most common to least) are:
Looking at the LinkedIn profiles of graduates from Oklahoma State University with a degree in Computer Science, it’s clear that a majority of these individuals have landed jobs that are pretty closely related to their field of study. The most common roles seem to be in software development, including titles like Software Engineer, Web Application Developer, and various developer positions at different companies. These jobs typically demand a strong grasp of programming languages, system design, and analytical skills - all core components of the Computer Science curriculum. So, if you’re planning on pursuing a Computer Science degree, you might be looking at a future where you’re building software or applications, which is pretty neat!
However, not every job listed here screams "Computer Science." Some roles, like IT technician positions or customer support roles, while they might involve technical skills, don’t necessarily require an in-depth understanding of programming or computer science principles. For instance, the Technical Support Representative role has less relevance to the core knowledge gained from a Computer Science degree. Overall, though, if you look at the big picture, many of these jobs are indeed relevant to what students learn during their studies, and graduates seem to be successfully applying those skills in the real world! Just something to consider as you think about your future career path.
Here is a visual representation of the most common words in job titles for Computer Science graduates (this is across all Computer Science graduates we've analyzed, not just those who went to Oklahoma State University):
From the looks of it, graduates with a Computer Science degree from Oklahoma State University are generally doing quite well in their careers. For many of them, the first job right after graduating tends to be something entry-level, like a programmer, developer, or IT technician. For instance, a grad from 2016 kicked things off as a Web Application Developer and has gradually moved up to a lead position, and now works as a Software Engineer III at a big bank. Even those who started in technical support roles seem to have transitioned into more specialized positions over time.
Five to ten years down the line, these alumni appear to be advancing into higher-level roles. Many have moved from internships to solid full-time positions as software engineers or developers, showing a steady progression in responsibilities and title. Notably, a graduate from 2020 who started as a trainee has now settled into a Computer Scientist role with the Air Force, and someone who graduated in 2021 is currently working as an iOS Engineer, after gaining experience at a previous job. This trend indicates that the majority of these graduates are finding careers that are not only relevant to their field of study but also providing them with opportunities for growth. Overall, it looks like a bright future for anyone coming out of OSU's Computer Science program!
Getting a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, especially at a place like Oklahoma State University, can definitely be a mix of challenging and rewarding. On one hand, you’ll dive into some tough concepts like algorithms, data structures, and programming languages that can really stretch your brain. There will be plenty of late nights spent coding and working on projects, and it’s not unusual to feel a bit overwhelmed at times. But on the flip side, if you enjoy problem-solving and have a passion for technology, you might find a lot of the material interesting and engaging. Overall, I’d say it’s a bit harder than average, but it totally depends on your interests and how you approach your studies. If you're willing to put in the effort, it'll definitely pay off!
Most commonly, in the LinkedIn profiles we've looked at, it takes people 3 years to finish a Bachelor degree in Computer Science.
Looking at these computer science grads from Oklahoma State University, it definitely seems like they're making some decent money overall. The variety of roles they’ve taken on, especially moving into higher positions like Senior Developer or Software Engineer III, often means they’re earning solid salaries, particularly in tech-heavy companies like Bank of America or Textron Aviation. Even those starting out with internships are likely on the upward trajectory with decent pay for entry-level roles. Of course, salaries can vary a lot depending on location and specific job duties, but broadly speaking, these folks seem to be on a pretty good path to financial stability in their careers!
Here is a visual representation of the most common words seen in the "about" section of LinkedIn profiles who have a Bachelor degree in Computer Science (this is across all Computer Science graduates we've analyzed, not just those who went to Oklahoma State University). This may or may not be useful:
Here are all colleges offering a Bachelor degree in Computer Science (ordered by the average relevance score of their Computer Science graduates, best to worst) where we have analyzed at least 10 of their graduates: