First, some facts. Of the Business Administration graduates from Bob Jones University we've analyzed , here's how many have used (or NOT used) their degree in their career:
These are estimates based on AI analysis of 12 LinkedIn profiles (see below).
The verdict? Above average. Overall, with an average relevance score of 74%, Business Administration graduates from Bob Jones University have a higher likelihood (+7%) of finding work in this field compared to the average graduate across all fields:
And for comparison, here's the chart for all profiles we've looked at across all degrees.
Also, after graduating, only 16% of these graduates have pursued further education other than another Bachelor's degree (such as a Masters degree or other), compared to the average across all profiles of 35%. This suggests a Bachelors degree is enough for most Business Administration graduates, and it's normal to look for work straight after graduation.
See the details:
Relevance score: 89%We think this person has gone into a career highly relevant to their degree.DEGREE INFOGraduated in 2016 from Bob Jones University with a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration. No other secondary education since. JOB HISTORY SINCE GRADUATIONOffice and Events Coordinator - Alumni RelationsBob Jones University Jul 2017 - Jan 2019 Media Coordinator Infinity Marketing - Greenville, SC Jan 2019 - Sep 2019 Social Media Marketing Specialist Bob Jones University Sep 2019 - Present ABOUTExperienced Social Media Marketing Specialist with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. Strong marketing professional with a Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration from Bob Jones University. |
The top 10 most common jobs done by the graduates we've analyzed (ranked most common to least) are:
When looking at the job histories of Business Administration graduates from Bob Jones University, you'll notice a mix of positions across various industries, but certain trends definitely stand out. Many graduates have found roles in management, customer service, and financial analysis. Positions like Account Manager, Cost Control Analyst, and Production Manager show a variety in the day-to-day tasks, but the common thread is that many roles involve some level of organizational or management responsibility. However, it's important to note that not every job aligns perfectly with core business concepts. For example, jobs like Delivery Associate at Amazon and Server at a restaurant largely fall outside of the typical business administration scope.
In terms of relevance, some jobs do take full advantage of the Business Administration skill set, particularly those involving management and financial analysis, like the Client Relationship Manager or the Mortgage Loan Cashiering Analyst. Yet, others, such as Childcare Provider or Office Assistant, seem to utilize very little of what was learned in their degree. So, while many graduates have carved out successful paths using their training, the roles they're in don't always relate directly back to core business principles. This mix shows that while a degree in Business Administration opens doors, the actual path taken can vary widely based on individual choices and opportunities.
Here is a visual representation of the most common words in job titles for Business Administration graduates (this is across all Business Administration graduates we've analyzed, not just those who went to Bob Jones University):
Looking at the career paths of Bob Jones University graduates with degrees in Business Administration, it seems like many of them have landed decent jobs, especially in their early years after graduation. Common first jobs include various roles in customer service, management, and support positions, like Account Manager, Production Manager, and even some roles at major companies like Amazon and CarMax. After five years, many of these graduates shift gears into more specialized positions, such as Analysts or Management roles, often related to finance, operations, or marketing. It's clear these graduates have a good starting point, leveraging their degrees effectively in the job market.
As time goes on, say after about ten years, many of them continue to climb the corporate ladder, with roles like Senior Analyst or Client Service Manager becoming common in their career trajectories. Some have even opted for entrepreneurial paths, showcasing their ability to utilize their business knowledge in real-world scenarios. It honestly looks like Bob Jones graduates with a Business Administration degree have a solid track record of developing relevant skills and securing positions that align well with their studies. While there are some who have taken more unconventional routes, overall the evidence suggests a positive trend towards successful careers relevant to their degree field.
Honestly, a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration can be a mix of challenging and manageable, and it really depends on your study habits and interest in the subject. At Bob Jones University, like many other schools, you’ll encounter a variety of classes ranging from marketing and finance to ethics and management, which can be pretty engaging if you’re into that stuff. While some students might find the program to be on the easier side, especially if they stay organized and keep up with their assignments, others might struggle with certain concepts or the workload. Overall, it’s a solid degree that can be as tough or easy as you make it, so if you’re ready to put in the effort, you’ll probably do just fine!
Most commonly, in the LinkedIn profiles we've looked at, it takes people 4 years to finish a Bachelor degree in Business Administration.
Looking at the job histories of these Bob Jones University grads, it seems like they’ve had a mixed bag when it comes to making decent money. Some of them started in lower-paying roles, like servers or delivery associates, which probably didn’t rake in a lot initially, but several later moved into positions that are likely more lucrative, especially those in finance or management roles. A few, particularly from the more recent classes, seem to have landed some solid positions right out of school, like area managers at Amazon or roles as financial analysts, which can definitely pay better. Overall, it looks like many of these folks are on a positive trajectory, but it might take a little time for some to really hit those higher salary marks.
Here is a visual representation of the most common words seen in the "about" section of LinkedIn profiles who have a Bachelor degree in Business Administration (this is across all Business Administration graduates we've analyzed, not just those who went to Bob Jones University). This may or may not be useful:
Here are all colleges offering a Bachelor degree in Business Administration (ordered by the average relevance score of their Business Administration graduates, best to worst) where we have analyzed at least 10 of their graduates: