First, some facts. Of the Business Administration graduates from University of Louisiana at Lafayette we've analyzed , here's how many have used (or NOT used) their degree in their career:
These are estimates based on AI analysis of 26 LinkedIn profiles (see below).
The verdict? Slightly below average. Overall, with an average relevance score of 64%, Business Administration graduates from University of Louisiana at Lafayette have a slightly lower likelihood (-3%) of finding work in this field compared to the average graduate across all fields:
And for comparison, here's the chart for all profiles we've looked at across all degrees.
Also, after graduating, only 15% of these graduates have pursued further education other than another Bachelor's degree (such as a Masters degree or other), compared to the average across all profiles of 35%. This suggests a Bachelors degree is enough for most Business Administration graduates, and it's normal to look for work straight after graduation.
See the details:
Relevance score: 40%![]() DEGREE INFOGraduated in 2019 from University of Louisiana at Lafayette with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. No other secondary education since. JOB HISTORY SINCE GRADUATIONBank Teller![]() IBERIABANK Feb 2020 - Feb 2022 Teller Ops Coordinator ![]() First Horizon Bank Feb 2022 - Jun 2023 Universal Banker ![]() First Horizon Bank Jun 2023 - Present ABOUTNo information provided. |
The top 10 most common jobs done by the graduates we've analyzed (ranked most common to least) are:
When diving into the career paths of those who studied Business Administration at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, you’ll find a mixed bag depending on the individual’s choices and their specific roles. A lot of graduates ended up in project management, operations management, and sales positions, which generally align well with the skills learned in their program. For instance, many who took on roles such as Project Manager, Operations Manager, or even President of companies demonstrated a clear application of business principles, making these jobs highly relevant to their degree. This shows that in many cases, they were able to leverage their education effectively in professional settings.
However, it's not all roses. There are also plenty of alumni who ventured into jobs like sales representatives, bartenders, or roles in customer service that don’t require a deep level of business knowledge. These positions often utilize more general skills like communication and interpersonal interactions rather than specific business administration skills. So, while many graduates have successfully transitioned into relevant positions that make good use of their degree, others seem to have drifted into jobs where the connection to business administration is pretty loose. Overall, it appears that while a good number of graduates are in roles that are directly related to their studies, there's still a substantial portion whose positions don't capitalize on their business education as much as one might expect.
Here is a visual representation of the most common words in job titles for Business Administration graduates (this is across all Business Administration graduates we've analyzed, not just those who went to University of Louisiana at Lafayette):
It seems like graduates from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette with a degree in Business Administration have generally moved into some pretty solid career paths. For many, their first jobs after graduation land them in roles like project management, operations management, and various sales positions. This initial step often sets the stage for further advancement, as many people accumulate experiences that lead to roles like senior management or even owning their own consulting firms. For instance, alums who started as project managers have evolved into high-ranking positions, such as Presidents or Owners of their own companies. Pharmaceutical sales also appears to be a popular trajectory, with several people moving up in prominent firms over the years.
Fast forward about five to ten years later, and many of these graduates seem to have secured stable positions, often in managerial or specialized roles. You’ll find some working in human resources, project estimation, and revenue management, demonstrating a good mix of both administrative prowess and specialized skills. While there are a few who might have taken less traditional paths—like bartending or customer support—the overall trend shows that many graduates are effectively leveraging their degrees in ways that keep them relevant and successful in the workforce. So, it’s safe to say that if you pursue a Business Administration degree from ULL, there’s a decent chance you’ll land a good job and have room to grow in your career!
Getting a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette is pretty manageable, especially compared to some other majors. While it definitely requires a solid understanding of topics like marketing, finance, and management, the coursework isn’t usually considered overwhelming. You’ll have a mix of lectures, group projects, and some tough exams, but most students find the material straightforward if they stay organized and keep up with their studies. Plus, the professors are generally approachable and willing to help, which makes a big difference. Overall, it’s a solid choice if you’re looking for a degree that’s challenging yet doable!
Most commonly, in the LinkedIn profiles we've looked at, it takes people 4 years to finish a Bachelor degree in Business Administration.
Looking at the career paths of these graduates from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, it seems that many of them have found solid opportunities, which likely means they're making decent money, especially in their later roles. For instance, the ones who climbed the ladder into management positions, like the graduates who became Operations Managers or Account Executives, are probably earning a pretty good salary now. Even those in fields like pharmaceutical sales typically see decent pay—especially with experience. Of course, there are a few who have taken on roles that might not pay as much, like bartenders or vet assistants, but overall, it looks like most of these grads are on track to earn a comfortable living.
Here is a visual representation of the most common words seen in the "about" section of LinkedIn profiles who have a Bachelor degree in Business Administration (this is across all Business Administration graduates we've analyzed, not just those who went to University of Louisiana at Lafayette). This may or may not be useful:
Here are all colleges offering a Bachelor degree in Business Administration (ordered by the average relevance score of their Business Administration graduates, best to worst) where we have analyzed at least 10 of their graduates: